
Description: swmc3D


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LiveTV using Windows Media Center (WMC) as the PVR Backend

for Kodi,  Emby and  Plex


Supports Windows 7, 8, 10


Stable release:  uploaded on 9/25/2018 


Preview release (may not be stable)  uploaded on 1/5/2020

Change Log

Older stable releases:  uploaded on 11/4/2016

ServerWMC needs to run on a machine that is configured for wmc.  It provides "server" capabilities to the recording and EPG services that wmc uses.  ServerWMC must be running on the wmc machine in order for the client addons and plugins to connect to these services.  Please note that the server software relies on wmc being completely configured  (tuners, EPG, channels, etc).  Once configured, it is not dependent on whether wmc is actually running.  


ServerWMC clients:

The addons and plugins listed below allow the respective software package to act as a client to the ServerWMC backend.


Addon is included in the Kodi installation



Install using the LiveTV plugin: "ServerWMC" from the Emby plugins catalog.


Emby Quick Start Guide



The channel Wmc2Plex is created and  maintaned by salphonso and can be downloaded from the site below.



Wmc2Plex  Wiki



Available from the GameEx website.  This addon is maintained by Gamex developers.

-------  ServerWMC Documentation -------

Warning, these wikis are somewhat out of date, but still contain some useful info.

ServerWMC Wiki


Kodi Client Wiki



-------  If you would like to help in the development of this software  -------


The client Kodi code is publicly available:

Client source code


The client Plex code is publicly available:

Plex channel

To develop for ServerWMC, send a private message to KrustyReturns on the Kodi forum to get access.